すみません! I couldn't figure out how to change the "o" particle. I've been trying the past half hour.
メイジャのしゃしんです。せんしゅうのきんようびえへ メイジャ got groomed by my ともだち。So his hair is shorter and more groomed now. せんしゅうわたしはしゃしんおとれます。
きょ I taught major how to sit a little bit. This was the first time. He did pretty well. My dog LOVES to たべますall kinds of carbs (パン)so that would be his reward. いま that is all. Till next time. さようなら!
メイジャーはかわいい (cute) ですね。メイジャーは、なんさいですか。
ありがとございます!メイジャーは6がつさいです。ありがとfor teaching me the "を“particle! yay! ^^
By the way にほんごの6がつ(as in age)なんですか。(Did I ask that right? I don't think I did =( )
「ろくがつ」は、Juneですね。"Six month years old"は、「ろっかげつ」です。
By the way, Your dog is soo cute!!
omg, he is sooooo cute!!! メイジャーはなんさいですか。how long hv u had him? i want a puppy sooo bad too~ ^^
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