Wednesday, December 5, 2007



Tuesday, November 13, 2007


わたしのかぞくはとてもたのしいです。わたしのかぞくがごにんです。わたしは ははとちちとあねとおとうとがいます。りょうしんがとてもしんせんつとすてきですよ。わたしときょうだいはシアトルからきましたがりょうしんはかんこくからきました。おとうとはゴルプとてもじょずです。そしてあねはみんなおんがくとてもじょずです。(to be continued...)

Monday, November 12, 2007


すみません! わたしがとてもいそがしいです。

わたしのへやがとてもしいさいです。コロセト (closet) のとなりにヅレスア(dresser)があります。ヅレスアのうえにテレビがあります。ヅレスアのまえにベッドがあります。ベッドのひぎにつくえがあります。つくえのうえにとけいやほんがあります。そしてドアはクロセトとつくえのあいだにあります。わたしのへやはどうですか。おもしろいじやありません。

Sunday, October 21, 2007

My Weekend

こんにちわ! きんようびとどようびにはたらきました。BCBGをはたらきます。 BCBGはたかいです。わたしわいそがしいです。Midterm をします。そしてべんきょうします。アパートへべんきようします。 わたしわのアパートはしずかとちいさいです。 わたしのアパートはきれいじやありません。 りようはとてもべんりです。 つぎのセメスタに りようへいきます。 (trying to say get back into dorming next semester?).

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Podcast Criteria

A good podcast should be:

1) Insightful!
2) All in Japanese (unless English is necessary for the "skit" or informative)
3) Structural
4) Professionalism must be present (ie: if video taping, the viewers should not get a headache from so much shakiness.)

I will update my blog a little later with more info for my posting (midterms stink -_-)


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Missy Elliot Video has にほんご!

それからにほんごのクラスー旗しわlookedfor the lyrics in にほんご in "Get Your Freak On" by Missy Elliot.

So it goes like this:


Can someone translate the whole thing? I only know some of the words.

Also at the end of the song they count: いちにさんし。

Monday, October 8, 2007


すみません! I couldn't figure out how to change the "o" particle. I've been trying the past half hour.

メイジャのしゃしんです。せんしゅうのきんようびえへ メイジャ got groomed by my ともだち。So his hair is shorter and more groomed now. せんしゅうわたしはしゃしんおとれます。
きょ I taught major how to sit a little bit. This was the first time. He did pretty well. My dog LOVES to たべますall kinds of carbs (パン)so that would be his reward. いま that is all. Till next time. さようなら!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Doing Better!

Konnichiwa Minasan! (that's all right?)

So I have no clue how often we are suppose to update on this blogging stuff so I'm just doing another one right now as I wait for class to start in the IAB lab. My status update with school is this: I'm doing better. (Sorry if this blogging writing is very informal by me guys. I like to just not be in school mode for something like this... feel me? ^^) Now that I dropped Chinese I HAVE TIME TO SLEEP! I figured out that it was a huge overload for me. I'm getting a hang of my school schedule and am enjoying it pretty much. Class starting so will write later! (:

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Criteria for Blog and WAY overdue

Konnichiwa! Sorry for such a delayed blog. So here's what I think is an outline of a good blog.

1. Is thoughtful (put some time into it)
2. Try to write SOME Japanese, even if it's only in romaji (I myself do not know how to type Japanese).
3. Have fun!

I just think that we all should have some fun with this blogging thing. Think of it as kind of a myspace/facebook website. hehe ^^ Anyways, I missed Wednesday class and was a bit out of it on Thursday. I could not go to any of my classes on Wednesday because I was extremely sick. The doctor said it was due to lack of rest, and all the stress taking a toll on my body. So I have decided to drop my Chinese class (I know sad huh?). Trying to run on 2-5 hours of sleep every day from school Monday-Thursday, working all day Fridays and Saturdays for almost 4 weeks made me extremely fatigued. I guess my body could not take it anymore. On the brighter side, I will be able to focus more on Japanese which is great because it's very interesting and I'm enjoying it major! I hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend and studied lots for the test! I've been studying for both Korean and Japanese tests (go figure they end up being the same day huh?) Well, I gotta get back to studying some more. Ja mata ashita.


Monday, September 24, 2007

So Tired

Hello all. I am blogging for the second time! woohoo! I have too little time to do everything from homework, studying, practicing (the 3 languages), working Friday and Saturdays all day! I am very drained I must say. All summer I was getting 8-9 hours of sleep. Now I am sleeping anywhere between 2-5 hours every day! I'm super lucky to get 7 hours of sleep. How sad! Sleep is my long lost friend now. Sorry to keep this short and uninteresting but I really am enjoying learning Japanese. The language classes are my all time favorite classes at Columbia. It might even be second after kindergarten class of coloring and napping. =D lol.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

First Blog

So I don't know how to type in Japanese at only. Only korean and english. I have never had any experience with Japanese language, so this is my first time. I've heard that if you know Korean before you learn Japanese it's easier. So far it hasn't been too hard, just a lot of memorizing and practicing at home. During class it's pretty fast pace so I seem lost but next day of class I'm good to go I guess.

Onto introducing myself. Watashi wa Chris Yun desu. People call me Christy though. Seattle kara kimashita. Hatachi sai desu. So I'm a EALAC major and that is one reason why I'm taking Japanese. My main language is Korean (go figure) since I'm Korean. I'm hoping only people in our Japanese class can read this. The thought of internet stalkers scare me. Call me crazy but I am taking Korean, Japanese, AND Chinese this semester. Yeah, pretty very really time consuming but I love learning new languages. I don't know how long this has to be so until next time, bye!